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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Final blogging assesment question 1

1.    What specific words/phrases demonstrate your writer’s voice? How do these words/phrases showcase your personality as a writer?
Response:      Throughout this blog post I have used voice to help entertain the reader and “showcase (my) personality as a writer”. In my blog, Why I Stopped Reading the Hobbit posted January 5th 2014, I have a couple examples of voice such as when I say, “I can’t stand reading this book” which demonstrates my voice because it shows my personality and my opinion towards The Hobbit. It allows the reader to pick up the authors tone and how he (in this case me), feels about the book while they may also pick up a mood from the authors tone. Another example of voice is when I said, “Maybe I wasn’t far enough into it because to me it was a total bore” and this shows my voice because it reflects my personality and tells the reader what books I may like or that I don’t like the beginning of the book.

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